
Original U.S. Spanish-American War Named 17th Infantry Captured Spanish Mauser Model 1893, American Flag and More - Corporal RW Burnett

Item Description

Original Items: Only One Group Available. This is an excellent grouping for Corporal GW Burnett of the 17th Infantry Regiment who fought during the Spanish-American War. The grouping is centered around an incredible captured Spanish Mauser Model 1893, which has a fantastic “souvenir” brass plate on the buttstock. The rifle was captured at Santiago De Cuba during the Battle of El Caney.

The Battle of El Caney was fought on July 1, 1898, during the Spanish-American War. 600 Spanish soldiers held for twelve hours, until they ran out of ammunition, against Henry W. Lawton's 5th US Division, made up of 6,899 men. This action temporarily delayed the American advance on the San Juan Hills, as had been requested of General William Rufus Shafter.  Nevertheless, American forces advanced on San Juan Hill the same day. Though encountering spirited resistance similar to El Caney, the Americans were ultimately victorious, culminating in the capitulation of the Spanish garrison.

Corporal R.W. Burnett of Co G of the 17 US Infantry brought home this remarkable group, 45 Star Camp Flag, a captured Mauser Rifle, and several period books and pictures. The 17 U.S. Infantry Regument as part of the 3 Brigade (Brig. Gen. Chaffee) of 1" Division and was one of several regular regiments which captured the Spanish blockhouse at El Caney on July 1, 1898 and was home stationed at Columbus, Ohio.

Corporal R.W. Burnett group consists of:

-45 star cotton camp flag measuring 52 x 102 long. On the cotton drill hoist near the canton. appears in period ink, from top: July 1st, 1898/17 US Inf/El Caney/Co. G/Cpl RW
Burnett/Cuba/Santiago. In the canton is a nearby star with an inked Medal of Honor and the motto "Remember the Maine!" and "For my boys EMB Co. G. Condition is excellent.
free of stains or tears.

-Burnett's souvenired Spanish Mauser with brass trophy plate screwed to the stock: MAUSER RIFLE/CAPTURED AT SANTIAGO DE CUBA/JULY 2, 1898. The breach is stamped: 9310 MAUSER ESPANOL MODELO 1893/MANUFACTURA LOEWE BERLIN Trigger guard assembly also stamped 9310. Top of the receiver is stamped: BERLIN 1894. Condition is very good to fine for both metal and stock.

-Also present are Burnett's USWV membership medal in original box, a USWV reunion medal and six USWV buttons.

-Two photos are of note a 1921 large snapshot of El Caney and a 17 USI rifle range photo, taken circa 1910.

-Three books accompany, as found with the above items: two general histories of the Spanish- American War and Wright's massive Pictorial Record of the War with Spain and Philippines, containing 631 pages and published in 1902.

The overall condition of the grouping is quite nice with fantastic research potential! It’s not often you come across a grouping of this caliber, especially with a captured Spanish Mauser!

Comes more than ready for further research and display.

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