
Original U.S. Cold War Navy Practice Bomb MK15 Mod 4 Painted Black - Inert

Item Description

Original Item: Only One Available. This bomb is totally inert and deactivated following guidelines provided by the ATF. This example is offered in excellent condition. It cannot be converted to an explosive device and is not available for export.

This is a Cold War/Vietnam War-era inert Mk 15 Mod 4 Practice Bomb as used by the US Navy for aerial bombing training. It is inert, and would be filled with sand or water. A flash tube, which would extend throughout its transverse axis, would house a pyrotechnic signal and firing pin assembly to detonate upon impact to mark its landing relative to the target.

The Mk 15 is made of welded sheet metal. The empty weight is approximately 18 lbs. When filled with water (4.55 gallons) it weighs approximately 56 lbs, and 95 lbs when filled with wet sand. Under freezing conditions, a mixture of antifreeze could be used instead of water. The overall length is 41 inches with a diameter of 8 inches. This example is painted entirely black, with the threaded hole at the top being covered by a red rubber piece. It displays well but is not the original paint, which would have been blue, and bits of the original blue paint can be seen on the chipped areas.

These bombs are impact fired signal-generating, practice bombs used for training aircrews. The practice bomb Mk 15 Mod 4 is a light cased, cylindrical bomb with a round nose and an integral box fin and cone. A flash tube, extending throughout its transverse axis, houses a pyrotechnic signal and firing pin assembly.

Comes ready to display in your Cold War collection!

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