
Original Soviet Russian WWII 1943 dated PPSh-41 Display Machine Pistol Serial 9034 with Drum Magazine

Item Description

Original Item: Only One Available. These have become very difficult to find, and this is one of the best marked examples we have ever had!. This is a great Russian PPSh-41 display Machine Pistol, built on a BATF compliant non-gun non-firing dummy receiver. It has had a portion entirely replaced by solid steel bar stock, and the bolt welded in place. The barrel has also had the chamber welded up and joined to the front of the bolt, and the top cover latch has been welded shut to the lower receiver.

This example comes complete with correct drum magazine (where permitted) and full wood stock. The top of the receiver is marked 1943 / K A / 9034 in front of the ejection port, and there is a И in a Diamond arsenal stamp further down the barrel jacket. This is for the "Iskra" factory of the Moscow City Council, which manufactured 83,000 PPSh-41 machine pistols in 1943. We rarely see dates on these due to how they are usually demilitarized! There is also non-matching serial number 674 stamped on the receiver tang, and the trigger guard, though the trigger guard has other serial numbers on it, now struck through.

Condition is very good, with a lovely black finish on the metalwork. The trigger still pulls, and the safety and selector switch move correctly as well. There are no cracks in the stock, which also looks great. This really is one of the best we have seen, and it is even dated and Soviet Russian marked!

A great display piece, ready to add to your collection!

History of the PPSh-41:
The PPSh-41 (Russian: Пистоле́т-пулемёт Шпа́гина, tr. Pistolét-pulemyót Shpágina, lit. 'Shpagin's machine pistol') is a Soviet submachine gun designed by Georgi Shpagin as a cheap, simplified alternative to the PPD-40. Common nicknames are "Pe-Pe-Sha" from its three-letter prefix and "Papasha" meaning daddy.
The PPSh was a magazine-fed selective fire submachine gun using an open-bolt, blowback action. Made largely of stamped steel, it could be loaded with either a box or drum magazine, and fired the 7.62×25mm Tokarev pistol round.
The PPSh saw extensive combat use during World War II and the Korean War. It was one of the major infantry weapons of the Soviet armed forces during World War II.

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