Item Description
Original Items: Only One Lot of 3 Available. This is a fantastic lot of revolvers which was most likely acquired by Ellis Props and Graphics. These are full scale steel props, made by the famed Model Gun Corporation of Japan. These were all acquired from the Ellis Props and Graphics liquidation auction. Ellis was the oldest and the largest Prop Houses in the World until it went out of business in the early 2000s.
The vast Ellis collection was acquired beginning in 1908, when a pawn shop, Ellis Mercantile, began renting merchandise to early filmmakers. According to Ellis Props, it began when a studio employee wanted to buy a glass eye. The pawn shop decided to rent it in case the owner returned, and it continued the practice with other items.
Modelguns are Japanese replica or toy guns, which are usually made of zinc alloys or plastic materials. Most modelguns commonly available today are designed to highly replicate the physical appearance (some bear the authentic trademarks and markings too) and in full scale of the real gun counterpart. Many are even made to highly replicate the internal mechanisms so that they are able to strip-down exactly and imitate closely the functionalities of the real counterparts. They operate exactly like a cap gun, using a small plastic percussion cap to produce gunfire sound, spark and blowback operation (for automatic models), but strictly not able to shoot any projectiles.
There are 3 types of Revolvers in this lot:
- Trooper MK II .357
- .357 Combat Magnum
- Python .357 Magnum
All are in fair condition and are rough when it comes to their action. They would need to be disassembled and cleaned, most likely repaired, if you would wish to utilize these as cap firing props again.
A lovely set ready for display.
All purchases are sent and need an adult signature which is required by UPS. Priority Mail is not available for this item. You must be 18 years old to purchase this model and 21 to sign for the package.
Not available for export or shipment to certain U.S. locations. Plug Fire ONLY. Cannot be converted to a functional weapon. Please read legal information for safety guidelines prior to purchasing.
- This product is not available for shipping in US state(s): Armed Forces Canada, Armed Forces Europe, Armed Forces Middle East, Armed Forces Pacific, California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Federated States Of Micronesia, Guam, Hawaii, Kansas, Marshall Islands, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Wisconsin
This product is not available for international shipping.
- All purchases are sent signature required UPS. Priority Mail is not available for this item. You must be 18 years old to purchase this model and 21 to sign for the package.
This item is completely legal within the USA. International Military Antiques, Inc observes all Federal, State and Local laws. Everything for sale on is completely legal to own, trade, transport and sell within the United States of America. Every display machinegun and machine gun parts set and gun sold by IMA, Inc is engineered to be inoperable according to guidelines provided by the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF).
Muzzle of barrel has RED PLUG as required by US LAW. Not available for export or in some US locations. This is a Blank-Firing Only gun that can never be engineered to fire a live round therefore no license of any kind is required to purchase this item. These are constructed of an alloy totally unsuitable for use in a firearm and any attempt to convert these blank-firing or stage prop pistols to take ammunition other than those listed above many cause the pistol to explode and could render the user liable to prosecution, and or subject them to great harm.
International Military Antiques, Inc., nor any representative thereof, can accept any responsibility for injury or damage of any description arising from intentional or accidental use of these guns. Persons not qualified to do so should not attempt to disassemble these units. USE WITH CAUTION!
BLANK GUNS ARE NOT TOYS! Never ever point your blank gun at another person (except for movies, plays etc where that type of behavior is expected). Even though they don't shoot a projectile they can be mistaken for the real thing.
Do not carry your blank gun in public. It should NEVER be carried on the street, hidden on your person, or left carelessly in your car. Do not leave it where it is accessible to unsupervised children or irresponsible adults. If a police officer sees you with one he will shoot first ask questions later. These blank guns look and sound real.
Wear ear protection when firing blank guns. The 8mm round is very loud and can damage hearing. When using a blank-firing, stage prop pistol, always fire them with arm fully extended and at a safe distance from any other person. Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. NEVER point any blank-firing or stage prop pistol at any person.
When blank-firing stage prop pistols are fired, gunpowder gas is vented forward and sideways through the front of the cylinder, NOT from the muzzle. This gas is hot, and may contain small particles of powder debris. At arm's length it dissipates harmlessly into the air, but if your hands, face or other parts of your body are in close proximity to the vent hole it can cause burns, cuts or abrasions.
Imitation New Made Gun Laws:-
Imitation Firearms, regardless of date, may only be shipped:
1. In conjunction with a frame or presentation box; or
2. Solely for export in interstate or foreign commerce; or
3. Solely for use in theatrical or re-enactment productions; or
4. For use in certified sporting events or competitions; or
5. For use in military or civil defense or ceremonial activities; or
6. For public display authorized by public or private schools:
All replicas of antique firearms (pre-1898) are allowed. We will not ship replicas of modern firearms (post-1898) to these states.
Replicas of antique firearms (pre-1898) are allowed. We will only ship replicas of modern firearms (post-1898) to theatrical, re-enactment, military, police or other government accounts.
- Not eligible for payment with Paypal or Amazon