Item Description
Original Item: One-of-a-kind Set. This is a great German WWII Era Wehrpaß Identification Book, issued 1. Dez. 1937 and named to WWI Veteran & P.O.W. Gefreiter Wilhelm Lang. It even still has his picture in the book. held in place by the correct hollow rivets. During the NSDAP period many new types of identification were required, both for civilians and military personnel, both as a method of control and to help protect vital parts of the German war machine. These books often recorded quite a bit about the owners life, much more than just their basic information. These Wehrpaß identification books were required beginning in 1935 with the beginning of conscription in NSDAP-ruled Germany, and all eligible males were required to get one.
Gurski was one such individual, and as part of the ID being issued, his service history in WWI was researched, and is listed inside the book. These documents make great translation projects, but in this case the Wehrpaß came with a translation and service summary, the highlights of which are as follows:
WWI Service:
- During WWI Gefreiter Wilhelm Lang was entered service and began training 28 September 1915, and then became a member of Infantry Regiment 246.
- Lang saw action in France as a member of the regiment, and was wounded in battle, staying in the hospital for almost a month in 1916. He was subsequently awarded a 3rd Class Wound Badge in Black on 28 April 1917.
- He returned to service 10 July 1916, and remained with the 246th Infantry Regiment until 28 August 1918. During this time he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class on 27 January 1918.
- On 29 August 1918, Lang became part of the 413rd Infantry regiment, which he served in until 8 October 1918, when he was taken as a prisoner of War. He would remain as a P.O.W. until 9 October 1919.
- After the war he was awarded the Cross of Honor 1914-1918 (Hindenburg Cross).
WWII Service:
- During the build up to WWII, Lang was drafted for military service 2 June 1937, and on 1 December 1937 assigned to the reserves of trained men, aged 35 to 45.
A really great document from the WWII Era, full of research potential!
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- Due to legal restrictions this item cannot be shipped to Australia, France or Germany. This is not a comprehensive list and other countries may be added in the future.
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