Item Description
Original Items: Only One Set Available. This is a very nice collection of German WWII Insignia, Tinnies, and several badges, which was brought back from the European theater by a USGI after the war was concluded. Many solders traded these on the way back, and would end up with a pocket full of various different collectible items, and this set represents the typical "haul" one might have come back with.
It includes a wide variety of items, including Five 1 Mai (May Day) Tinnies from various dates, 2 Labor day Tinnies, 2 HJ Deutches Jungfest Tinnies, an NSKOV War Victims Care Tinnie, a Rothenburg Tinnie and a few others we cannot identify. There is also a worn early stamped brass Black Wound Badge, a DRL Sports Badge, an NS-Frauenschaft nurse pin and a cap badge. To finish off the set there are what looks to be a Heer Enlisted Artillery shoulder strap, a Heer NCO Gebirgsjäger Mountain Trooper shoulder strap, and a Schutzpolizei Protection police Wachtmeister shoulder strap. Please consult the pictures for further details.
A great little set that could be the start of your collection!
"Tinnies" (Veranstaltungsabzeichen - Event Badges) are small commemorative pins or medals, acquired when one attended a specific event held in Germany. They were often made of thin stamped metal, bakelite, or even pressed paper. Many of these were given out as part of the WHW (Winterhilfswerk - Winter Help Work) Organization, which often involved Germans traveling quite a bit to help out the war effort. Many others were given for the annual Reichsparteitag (Reich Party Congress), otherwise known as the Nuremberg Rallies.
- This product is available for international shipping. Shipping not available to: Australia, France, or Germany
- Due to legal restrictions this item cannot be shipped to Australia, France or Germany. This is not a comprehensive list and other countries may be added in the future.
- Not eligible for payment with Paypal or Amazon