
Original German WWII SS Main Management Office Health Department Document Stamp by Stempel-Wünsche Berlin - Schutzstaffel

Item Description

Original Item: Only One Available. The SS (Schutzstaffel) was originally formed in 1925, ostensibly to act as a small, loyal bodyguard unit to protect the Führer, Adolf AH. Under the direction of the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, the SS grew to be the most ruthless and feared organization of the 20th century. They were the vanguard of Germany eventually controlled nearly every function of German life and much of Occupied Europe.

Here we have a very nice wooden-handle rubber stamp from what we assume is the Waffen-SS, but could also be the Allgemeine-SS, which were both part of the Gesamt-SS (Combined SS). The stamp measures about 1 5/8"W x 2 3/4"H and is marked on the side with the text that would be stamped:

ᛋᛋ = Führungshauptamt
ᛋᛋ = Sanitätsamt

This translates roughly to "SS Main Management Office, SS Health Department. The handle of the stamp bears a metal disc which bears the following maker address marking, however it is quite oxidized. Looking in the light however shows that it reads:


The name translates to "Stamp Wishes" or something similar, and is a known maker of WWII rubber stamps. Everything about the stamp is totally correct, and the rubber portions still feel relatively supple. There is a small sheet of paper included that has had the stamp used on it, and it still looks to work relatively well.

A very interesting piece of German WWII militaria, ready to research & display!

The Allgemeine-SS, (General-SS), was originally formed in May 1923 as the Stosstrupp Adolf AH, (Shock Troops Adolf AH), and was redesignated Schutzstaffel, (Protection Squad), in April 1925 with the official acceptance of the name verified on the second anniversary of the failed Munich "Beer-Hall" Putsch on November 9TH 1925. On January 6TH 1929 Heinrich Himmler was appointed as Reichsführer-SS, (National Leader {of the} SS), and on July 20TH 1934 shortly after the, June 30TH 1934, purge of the SA, Sturm Abteilung, (Storm Troopers) on the "Night of the Long Knives", the SS was rewarded by AH by being granted the status of an independent organization under direct control of the NSDAP, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, (National Socialist German Worker’s Party). The SS developed the distinctive SS style cap skull and cross bones on October 6TH 1934 and introduced the SS pattern national cap eagle in February 1936. After their introductions the skull and eagle were to be worn on all forms of SS headgear. In 1944 the SS developed a single piece of cap insignia which incorporated both the skull and eagle on a one piece trapezoid base for wear on the M43 field cap. Originally these trapezoidal pieces of insignia were produced in a machine woven version until a final, embroidered version was introduced in late 1944. The first versions of the trapezoidal cap insignia featured dual rows of teeth in the skull while later versions only had a single row of teeth. Panzer personnel’s cap trapezoids were produced with a black base to match the color of the cap it was to be worn on.

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