Item Description
Original Item: One-of-a-kind. This is a fantastic and rare German Maschinenpistole 28/II display gun, built from an original parts set and constructed on an original BATF compliant non-firing display receiver, making this a 100% legal display machine gun. This receiver was created by using portions of the original torch cut receiver, including the barrel bushing, combined with some new made steel portions. It has properly had a 25% section of the total length completely replaced entirely with solid steel bar stock. Meaning a 1/4 length section of the display receiver is solid steel, making this totally legal to own without a license of any kind.
The parts set we received did not have a barrel, so a very similar original British Lanchester barrel was used in its place. It has the original deactivated bolt installed inside the receiver, welded in the forward position, to help complete the look. Two British Sten/Lanchester magazines are included, which are practically identical to the MP28 magazine. These will have the spring and follower removed to deactivate them where required. Also included is the firing pin, which was not used during construction of the gun, as well as an original magazine loader marked S.88.
The magazine well still is marked with the correct maker information over serial number 2587:
The display gun is offered in very good condition, and still has much of the original finish retained. The trigger still pulls, and the fire selector can be moved back and forth. The stock is also in great shape, showing no major damage, and it has a great dark red brown color. The magazine well is still functional, and both Sten magazines fit perfectly. The only minor issue is that the rear sling swivel is missing from the fitting, probably removed long ago to put on something else.
A lovely example of a rare machine gun, probably only the second that we have ever had! Ready to display!
The Schmeisser MP-28/II (another variant of markings is M.P.28.II) submachine gun is a post-WW1 evolution of the first practical submachine gun, developed by same designer, the MP-18/I. MP-28/II was produced in limited numbers in Germany by C.G. Haenel company in Suhl, for police use; it was also produced under license in significant numbers in Belgium, by Pieper, and sold to some South African and South American countries, and also to China, Japan and Spain. MP-28/IIwas basically the same weapon as MP-18/I, with minor improvements such as added fire mode selector and tangent sight. The M.P.28.II saw significant use during Spanish Civil War of 1936-39.
The MP 28 was produced by Haenel under the supervision of Hugo Schmeisser, it was copied by the Second Spanish Republic under the codename Naranjero. The Naranjero was chambered in 9mm Largo.
M.P.28.II submachine gun is blowback operated, selective-fire weapon that fired from open bolt. Tubular receiver was attached to the front of the wooden stock, and could be pivoted barrel down for maintenance and disassembly. Magazines are inserted from the left side while ejection is to the right. Manual safety is made in the form of locking cut, made in the receiver, which engages the bolt handle to lock bolt in open (cocked) position. Fire mode selector was made in the form of cross-bolt button, located above the trigger. Standard sights consisted of blade front and tangent rear sight, marked from 100 and up to very optimistic 1000 meters.
The MP 18.1 manufactured by Theodor Bergmann Abteilung Waffenbau was the first practical submachine gun used in combat. It was introduced into service in 1918 by the German Army during World War I as the primary weapon of the Sturmtruppen, assault groups specialized in trench combat. Although MP18 production ended in the 1920s, its design formed the basis of most submachine guns manufactured between 1920 and 1960.
The firepower of this new class of weapons made such an impression on the Allies that the Treaty of Versailles specifically banned further study and manufacture of such light automatic firearms by Germany.
Caliber: 9x19mm Luger / Parabellum
Weight: 4 kg empty
Length: 820 mm
Barrel length: 200 mm
Rate of fire: 550-600 rounds per minute
Magazine capacity: 20 or 32 rounds
Effective range: 100-150 meters
- This product is not available for shipping in US state(s): New Jersey, and Washington
This product is not available for international shipping.
- This item is completely legal within the USA. International Military Antiques, Inc observes all Federal, State and Local laws. Everything for sale on is completely legal to own, trade, transport and sell within the United States of America. Every display machine gun and machine gun parts set and gun sold by IMA, Inc is engineered to be inoperable according to guidelines provided by the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF). Please note that the requirements for each display gun are decided on a per case basis by the BATF, and may require deactivation or omission of some internal components. For more information on this display gun, please contact us. Not available for Export.
Due to State & Federal law we do not ship magazines that exceed the following capacities to the following locations, and a deactivated magazine will be sent:
California - 10 round maximum for all magazines.
Colorado - 15 round maximum for all magazines.
Connecticut - 10 round maximum for all magazines.
Hawaii - 10 round maximum for all magazines.
Illinois - 15 round maximum for Chicago and Aurora. 10 round maximum for Oak Park and Cook County.
Maryland - 10 round maximum for all magazines.
Massachusetts - 10 round maximum for all magazines
New Jersey - 10 round maximum for all magazines.
New York- 7 round maximum for all magazines.
Washington, D.C. - 10 round maximum for all magazines.
Washington (State) - 10 round maximum for all magazines.
- Not eligible for payment with Paypal or Amazon