Item Description
Original Items. Only One Lot Available. This is a really stupendous pair of medals named to 2 different soldiers of the German Army during World War II. These include an Infantry Assault Badge named to Obergefreiten Heinrich Damm, and an Eastern Front Medal (Winterschlacht im Osten - Winter Battle in the East 1941-1942) named to Gefreiten Franz Ebetsch. Both medals are in great shape and make for fantastic research projects.
The Assault Badge is a solid back example and does not appear to be marked. The clasp is bent as shown but still functions well. The finish is rather rough but it is still intact. The award document for this badge is named to Obergefreiten Heinrich Damm, a member of 6. / G.R. 209, the abbreviation for 6. / Grenadier Regiment 209. This was originally an Infantry regiment but in 1942 Infantry Regiments were renamed as Grenadier Regiments by AH as a historical homage to Frederick the Great's Army. The document is dated October 29th, 1943, so this is correct. Of note is that the document is still stamped with the old Inf. Rgt. 209 stamp, so they may have been stamped well in advance.
The award document reads:-
Dem Obergedfreiten
Heinrich Damm
verleihe ich das
Im Osten, am 29.10.43
Major u. Rgt.-Führer
The Eastern Front medal is retains its original ribbon, which has crenulations at the ends, and is in lovely patinated condition overall. The hanger ring is marked with Präsidialkanzlei des Führers Lieferant (Presidential Chancellery Supplier) number 55 on the hanger ring, which represents maker J.E. Hammer & Söhne of Geringswalde in Saxony, Germany.
The document for this medal is named to Gefreiten Franz Ebetsch of Nachr. Abt. 7, or Nachrichtenabteilung 7 (Signals Battalion 7), and is dated August 5th, 1942.
The award document reads:-
Gefreten Franz Ebetsch
Nachr.Abt. 7
AM 5. August 1942
Hauptmann und stellv. Kdr. der UND STELLV. KDR. DER
Nachrichtenabteilung 7
The documents both measure roughly 6½ x 8”. This is a great set of named medals ready for further research and display.
The Infantry Assault Badge (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen) was a German war badge awarded to Waffen-SS and Wehrmacht Heer soldiers during the Second World War. This decoration was instituted on 20 December 1939 by the Commander-in-Chief of the German Army, Generalfeldmarschall Walther von Brauchitsch. It could be awarded to members of non-motorized Infantry units and units of the Gebirgsjäger that had participated in infantry assaults, with light infantry weapons, on at least three separate days of battle in the front line on or after 1 January 1940. When a counter offensive led to fighting, it could also apply. Award of the Infantry Assault Badge was authorized at regimental command level.
The Eastern Front Medal , correctly called the "Winter Battle in the East Medal 1941-42" (Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to both German and Axis personnel. It was awarded to those who served on the German Eastern Front during the winter campaign period of 15 November 1941 to 15 April 1942 It was instituted on 26 May 1942 and was commonly known as the Ostmedaille (East Medal) or Russian Front Medal.
The medal was wryly called the Frozen Meat Medal or the "Order of the Frozen Flesh" (Gefrierfleischorden) by Heer, Luftwaffe and Waffen-SS personnel to whom it was awarded.
Armed service personnel qualified for the badge after a minimum of 14 days served in active combat; 30 combat sorties for Luftwaffe members; 60 days of continuous service in a combat zone; being wounded or suffering a "frozen limb", severe enough to warrant the issue of a Wound Badge. The medal could be awarded posthumously.
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