
Original German WWII Named Kriegsmarine 1941 dated Coastal Artillery M38 Overseas Wool Cap by K.H. Flauber - size 56 1/2

Item Description

Original Item: Only One Available. This is a very nice lightly used of a hard to find German WWII Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery overseas cap (Küstenartillerie Schiffchen). The overseas cap, nicknamed in German military slang as Schiffchen, or literally "little ship" as it resembled an up-turned row-boat, was standard issue for the Coastal Artillery.

This example is constructed of a a field gray (feldgrau) wool exterior, with a nice light gray canvas liner. This is similar to the army colors, however it features a fine BeVO machine embroidered eagle, with yellow thread on a blue green base, the Kriegsmarine colors. Below this is a BeVO machine embroidered tri-color cockade, which is woven on the same blue green material. The inside of the cap is size marked 56 1/2, and has the complete dated maker stamp still mostly legible on the left side:


On the right side, there is a small name tag that looks to read Eyl or Byl, both potential German surnames.

Condition of this cap is good, though there exterior does show some age toning, especially on one side, which is more yellowed than the other. Under the side flaps the original color is still well retained. The interior shows a bit of yellowing but very little use. here is also some rust staining where the cap at one time had the top wired closed for a better fit.

Definitely a very attractive and colorful overseas cap. Ready to add to your collection!

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