Item Description
Original Item: Only One Available. Found in the cache of antique weapons imported from the Kingdom of Nepal is this English made and proofed East India Company Percussion Fusil of Musket Bore with old series sidelock 1840-41 (Type 1).
There are four variants of the EIC percussion musket bore fusil, which all had a 33" barrel. These fusils were used by sergeants, artillery and also issued to some entire units of light infantry.
This example, offered in cleaned and complete condition, is either the first variant (Type 1 1840-41) due to its style of trigger guard, lack of a hanoverian bayonet catch, old series sidelock and other characteristics. It features a British proofed barrel and lock marked with the EIC Lion.
This model fusil is excellently described in David Harding’s stellar work "Smallarms of the East India Company 1600-1856" volume 2 page 158-159.
This example is offered in wonderful condition, is a very rare example of a true EIC Fusil in musket bore.
NOTE: International orders of antique firearms MUST be shipped using UPS WW Services (courier). USPS Priority Mail international will not accept these.
- This product is available for international shipping.
- IMA considers all of our antique guns as non-firing, inoperable and/or inert. Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 921(a)(16) defines antique firearms as all guns made prior to 1899. This law exempts antique firearms from any form of gun control or special engineering because they are not legally considered firearms. No FFL, C&R or any license is required to posses, transport, sell or trade Antique guns. All rifles and muskets sold by IMA that were manufactured prior to 1899 are considered Antiques by the US BATF (United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms). Therefore, all of IMA's Antique guns may be shipped to all US States and most nations around the world.
These antique guns are not sold in live condition. They are sold as collector’s items or as wall hangers. Any attempt at restoring an antique gun to be operational is strongly discouraged and is done so at the risk of the customer. By purchasing an antique gun from IMA you thereby release IMA, its employees and corporate officers from any and all liability associated with use of our Antique guns.
Pre-1899 Manufacture, no licenses required, allowed to ship to almost any deliverable address across the globe. Please note that for international shipping, these MUST be shipped using UPS WW Services.
- Not eligible for payment with Paypal or Amazon