
Original Vietnam War Era Chinese ChiCom 60mm Round for Type 31 Mortar System

Item Description

Original Item: Only One Available. Totally inert and demilitarized according to BATF guidelines with hollow body and inert fuse. This mortar round cannot be converted to an explosive device and is not available for export.

The Chinese Type 31 60mm Mortar system was an indigenous copy of the American M2 60mm mortar series. The American M2 itself was nothing more than a copy of the French Stokes-Brandt “Mortier Modele 1935” of 1935, proving the French design as utterly sound and quite excellent in its own right. Key differences between the Chinese and American versions are a shorter barrel in the Chinese model, which measured at 675mm in length. While this made the Chinese version lighter in weight, it did restrict its operational range to 1,530 meters.

This Type 31 60mm round is a 3 piece construction and features various stampings and markings on all 3 pieces. The top “cone” or the fuze has increments marked with English numbers and has black stamping which unfortunately has rubbed off to the point it can be barely read. The main body of the round has black stamping still visible:

NM- - 2

The tail section which still retains all 8 fins has date stampings of 1962. The stampings are as follows:

S 2

All pieces are in exceptional condition and retain most of the original paint. There is no significant damage to any of the items. This is a wonderful example of a Chinese produced 60MM mortar round and comes ready to display!

More on the Type 31
Design of the Type 31 was highly conventional as was its operation. The system consisted of three major components; a square base plate, firing tube and adjustable bipod. A carrying handle along the top of the firing tube facilitated transport as a whole, even though the Type 31 could be broken down into its 3 original components and dispersed amongst the mortar team for individual transport. The operation of the 31 was pretty much the same as the French and American versions, the operator would simply drop the 60mm projectile down the muzzle into the smoothbore tube in which a firing pin struck the propellant sending it along the predetermined path.

The Type 31 was eventually modernized to become the Type 63 light mortar. This newer version was designed to be lighter and more portable with a smaller baseplate. Operationally the 63 behaved much in the same way as the Type 31 before it.

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