Item Description
Original Item: Only One Available. Wakizashi (脇差 "side inserted / companion sword") is a general term for a sword between one and two shaku long (30 cm and 60 cm), predominantly made after 1600. Generally it is the short blade that accompanies a katana in the traditional samurai daisho pairing of swords, but may be worn by classes other than the samurai as a single blade, also worn edge up as the katana.
This example appears to have been remounted several times, and cut down slightly during the process of suriage (blade shortening), as indicated by the 3 holes in the tang. However, it was definitely originally made as a Wakizashi, as the Mei (signature) is still clear on the blade tang (nakago). The characters marked are 信 over 吉, which translates to Nobuyoshi. There were numerous smiths with this name over the years, so unfortunately we cannot research much further.
The blade has the following period correct features:
- Folded steel blade (fold lines are evident on the spine and body of the blade)
- holes in the tang are punched and not drilled
The Blade of this example is 18 inches long, and unfortunately saw much use and cleaning since the last polish. It has some removed pitting, and has damage and nicks on the edge. The tang is of the futsu style, with a "haagari" (asymmetrcally round) end, typical of 18th and 19th century blades. It also has a copper Habaki (blade collar), which is also typical of that period.
The tsuba (cross guard) is made of iron and rounded, with embossed decorations, and a cutout for the kogatana handle. The fuchi (collar) for the tsuka (handle) is copper. It has matching menuki (grip decorations), and a nice blacked copper Kashira (End Cap). The stingray Sa-Me (grip) with complete Ito (cloth binding) is worn, but still in good condition. The sword comes in a a well fitting black lacquer wooden scabbard (saya), which has a cutout for a Gokatana knife, which is unfortunately absent.
It has been over one thousand years ago that the art of making swords appeared in Japan. The swordsmiths of the time may not have known it but they were creating a legendary sword. The Samurai sword has seen combat in many battlefields. From the early days of the Samurai warrior to the fierce battles in the South Pacific during WWII.
Each hand-made Samurai sword is unique because it is forged from multiple pieces of folded steel stock. A tremendous amount of work is dedicated to creating these pieces. They were an instrument of war as much as a beautiful artifact to adorn a room.
The Samurai sword has grown to be one of the most highly desired military antiques.
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